
excellent and quality Learn more about excellent and quality

  • Introduction of Guilu No. 1, an excellent national tea variety with independent brand intellectual property rights in Guangxi

    Introduction of Guilu No. 1, an excellent national tea variety with independent brand intellectual property rights in Guangxi

    Tea is an important cash crop in China, especially one of the pillar industries to shake off poverty and become rich in the mountainous areas of Guangxi. With the rise of organic tea (green food) production, some varieties with resistance to diseases and insect pests and strong adaptability have been paid attention to, which determine the germination period, adaptability, quality characteristics and resistance of tea trees; to develop tea production, tea products come on the market early, have characteristics, excellent quality and excellent price, so they have the conditions to seize the market. Therefore, in order to strengthen and expand the tea industry in Guangxi, we must start from the "source"-adopt excellent.

  • Changhua County goes to Hong Kong "2017 Taiwan Fruit and vegetable Festival" to promote excellent and fresh agricultural products

    Changhua County goes to Hong Kong

    Changhua County went to Hong Kong for the 2017 Taiwan Fruit Festival to promote Changhua fruits and vegetables. The 2017 Taiwan Fruit Festival was held at the opening ceremony and media tasting ceremony of Metropark Hotel Macau in Hong Kong on November 23.

  • When are figs ripe and on the market? What are the delicious varieties and producing areas?

    When are figs ripe and on the market? What are the delicious varieties and producing areas?

    Fig is a kind of flowering plant, which belongs to the genus Ficus of Moraceae. It mainly grows in some tropical and temperate places and has high edible and medicinal value. So when will it mature and go on sale? What are the delicious varieties and producing areas? According to Sangke data, none

    2020-11-09 Figs what month ripe on the market have which varieties and
  • What are the excellent varieties of navel orange?

    What are the excellent varieties of navel orange?

    Navel orange is a good fruit, now very popular with consumers on the market, the flesh is sweet and crisp, rich in nutrients, regular consumption can protect blood vessels, reduce cholesterol and blood lipids, is very beneficial to health, now farmers and friends are growing

    2020-11-27 Navel orange excellent varieties which navel orange yes one no
  • A brief introduction to the excellent varieties of Clonal Tea (1)

    A brief introduction to the excellent varieties of Clonal Tea (1)

    The application and promotion of fine tea varieties in tea production is one of the most effective ways to achieve high quality, high yield and high benefit. In particular, the improved varieties of clonal tea trees not only have excellent characters such as strong stress resistance, excellent quality and high yield, but also have stable characters, neat germination and obvious rotation, which is beneficial to popularizing mechanized picking and regulating flood peak. Most of the more than 100,000 mu of tea gardens in our city are Huzhou native species and Jiukeng species developed before the 1980s. The varieties of this batch of tea gardens are mixed in characters, a considerable part of which are aging tea gardens and

  • Introduce several fresh varieties of jujube

    Introduce several fresh varieties of jujube

    Golden mango winter jujube matured in late October, due to late maturity, the fruit is shaped like a mango, hence the name mango winter jujube, a single fruit weighs 33 grams. The maximum is 70 grams, the flesh is thick, the meat is fine and crisp, the juice is sweet, the taste is excellent, the quality is excellent, the edible rate of nuclear and small meat is 96%, the content of soluble solids is 26.4%, and the yield is 3% 4 times higher than Zhanhua winter jujube and 30% higher than Daxue jujube. Mature about 50 days later than pear jujube, complementary market with pear jujube, fresh jujube is vacant in the market, the price is high, the fruit is resistant to storage and transportation, resistant to cracking, resistant to jujube mad disease, it is a high quality and abundant.

  • How much does it cost to grow 20 mu of figs? What is the yield of one mu of land? Which variety is the best to grow?

    How much does it cost to grow 20 mu of figs? What is the yield of one mu of land? Which variety is the best to grow?

    Fig is a flowering plant, belonging to subtropical deciduous trees. At present, it is known that there are 800 varieties, most of them are evergreen varieties, and only those growing in temperate regions are deciduous varieties. So which variety is the best to grow? How much does it cost to grow 20 mu of figs? What is the yield of one mu of land?

  • 2015 Tianjin Taiwan famous products Expo Taiwan Art Museum of Printing style makes excellent achievements

    2015 Tianjin Taiwan famous products Expo Taiwan Art Museum of Printing style makes excellent achievements

    Sponsored by the Foreign Trade Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by the Foreign Trade Association, the "2015 Tianjin Taiwan famous products Expo" successfully concluded at the Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on July 5, bringing a total of NT $14.7 billion in business opportunities and attracting 405000 people to visit and exhibition.

  • There are five common excellent varieties of green onions. What are their characteristics? Have you seen them all?

    There are five common excellent varieties of green onions. What are their characteristics? Have you seen them all?

    Green onion is a kind of side dish that we often eat in our daily life. Farmers grow it themselves, and people in the city sometimes plant it in pots. Today, the editor would like to introduce to you five common excellent varieties of green onions. What are their respective characteristics?

    2020-11-27 Common yes five fine green onions varieties each of them what?
  • Breeding of Super High-yield Japonica Hybrid Rice "Qiuyou Jinfeng"

    Breeding of Super High-yield Japonica Hybrid Rice

    Qiuyou Jinfeng, a new super-high-yield japonica hybrid rice variety bred independently by scientists in Shanghai, has reached 801.9 kg per mu after three years of demonstration planting, and has passed expert acceptance a few days ago. On December 31, 2006, the reporter learned at the Agricultural Science Research Institute of Minhang District, Shanghai that the cultivation of the excellent variety "Qiuyou Jinfeng" was based on the genetic differences between indica rice and japonica rice parents, using excellent late japonica male sterile lines as female parents. Excellent indica rice and excellent japonica rice restorer lines were selected as male parents.

  • Excellent apricot variety 98-8

    Excellent apricot variety 98-8

    98-8 is an excellent new strain selected by Zhengzhou Fruit Tree Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. through several years of cultivation and observation, this strain has the advantages of large fruit, beautiful appearance, excellent quality, early fruit, high yield and so on. First, the main characters: the tree is strong, the tree posture is open, and the sprouting ability and branching ability are medium. The trunk and perennial branches are dark gray, annual branches are brown, lenticels are many, and the leaves are nearly round, dark green, thick and shiny. The fruit is nearly round, with a vertical diameter of 5.5 cm, a horizontal diameter of 5.6 cm and a lateral diameter of 5. 5 cm.

  • High-yielding garlic-Huanong No. 1

    High-yielding garlic-Huanong No. 1

    Huanong No. 1 garlic is a high-yield garlic variety cultivated by Huanong International Agricultural Development Research Center of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In 2007, after yield measurement and acceptance by experts, the demonstration field produced 5800 jin of garlic per mu. The variety has developed root system, strong growth potential, stout stem, broad and thick green leaves, strong cold resistance and disease resistance. The yield of garlic stalk is high, the garlic stem is fresh and tender, and the quality is excellent. The garlic head is large, neat and beautiful, accounting for more than 90% of the garlic head between 6 cm and 8 cm in diameter, with excellent merchandise, thick skin, non-loose clove, good storage and transportation resistance and excellent quality, so it is good for export to earn foreign exchange.

  • The best rice variety

    The best rice variety

    With the continuous improvement of living standards, people have higher requirements for eating, just like today's rice, many people have become more and more selective. If you want to eat sweet and delicate rice with good quality, you have to choose the right rice varieties. Next, let's take a look at the rice quality.

    2020-11-27 Rice quality the best rice varieties along with the standard of living
  • Good rice in Northeast China comes from strict management.

    Good rice in Northeast China comes from strict management.

    From the cold northeast to the warm Yangtze River basin, and then to the hot and humid Hainan Island, rice, as one of the main food crops in China, is grown from north to south. In the Chinese rice family, when it comes to quality and taste, many people will blurt it out, of course, Dongdong.

    2016-03-20 Northeast good rice from strict management cold northeast to
  • Potato variety selection

    Potato variety selection

    The selection of excellent varieties is the basic condition for the cultivation of high quality, high yield and high efficiency of potato. In addition to high yield, high quality, good adaptability, disease and insect resistance and stress resistance, excellent potato varieties have their own according to the requirements of the market and the special uses of the varieties.

    2020-11-27 Potato variety selection excellent variety yes potato
  • China vegetable Association issues the list of the second batch of excellent vegetable producers

    China vegetable Association issues the list of the second batch of excellent vegetable producers

    On May 15, at the China vegetable Industry Conference, the China vegetable Association released the list of the second batch of excellent vegetable producers. The evaluation activity of excellent vegetable producers is the purpose of the China vegetable Association to promote the sustained and healthy development of the national vegetable industry and promote vegetable producers to do well.

    2016-03-20 China vegetable Association release second batch excellent producer May
  • Excellent Fish species is the fundamental way to raise Fish well. Matters needing attention in cultivating Fish species in Summer

    Excellent Fish species is the fundamental way to raise Fish well. Matters needing attention in cultivating Fish species in Summer

    Excellent Fish species is the fundamental way to raise Fish well. Matters needing attention in cultivating Fish species in Summer

  • Five hard peach varieties suitable for Yangtze River valley

    Five hard peach varieties suitable for Yangtze River valley

    1. King of Qin. The average fruit weight is 210g, the maximum fruit weight is 350g, and the fruit size is relatively regular. Fruit peel background yellow red, ripe fruit surface 80%-100% bright red, beautiful appearance, fruit surface less hair. Fruit is round, suture line, fruit shape is more symmetrical, fruit top concave, peduncle depression deep. The flesh is red and white, with 75% redness. The flesh is especially hard and does not crack, the texture is fine, the browning resistance is strong, the soluble solids content is 13.7%, the taste is sweet and slightly sour, the fragrance is slightly good, and the quality is excellent. Semi-detached nucleus, small nucleus, unsplit nucleus, edible rate 9

  • Adopt high-quality queen bee

    Adopt high-quality queen bee

    In order to adopt the high quality queen bee, we should mainly consider three aspects: selecting the Chinese bee species with excellent species and production performance, adopting the new queen bee and preventing the degradation of the bee species in use. The queen bee with excellent characteristics is the guarantee of strong colony rearing, and the bee species with strong fecundity, strong population potential, weak bee division, high yield and strong disease resistance (especially resistance to cystic disease) should be selected in the breeding of Chinese bee. A good queen bee can be obtained through the bee species production department, but it must be noted that the introduced queen bee should be able to perform in the production of beekeeping in the use area.

  • High quality male sterile Lines of Rice bred in Fujian

    High quality male sterile Lines of Rice bred in Fujian

    The breeding of rice male sterile line Jingfu 4A, a key scientific and technological project undertaken by Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Tel: 0591mur7884771), passed the technical appraisal organized by Fujian Department of Science and Technology on June 28, 2004. Jingfu 4A has the advantages of early ripening stage, stable sterile shape of plant leaves, excellent quality, especially excellent rice milling quality and appearance quality, good flowering habits, high stigma exposure rate and strong field performance. Its milled rice rate, head rice rate, chalky grain rate, chalkiness, transparency,
